Luca Akaeda Santesson
Di. 17 september 2024
Sint-Michiel Vredeskerk Leuven
Het volledige oeuvre voor orgel van J.S. Bach wordt uitgevoerd door jonge getalenteerde organisten, gespreid over drie jaar (2022-2023-2024), 6 concerten per seizoen.
Tijdens dit concert staan volgende werken van J.S. Bach op het programma:
Toccata in d – BWV 538/1
Fughetta : Christum sir sollen loben schon / Was fürchtst du Feind, Herodes, sehr – BWV 696
Fughetta : Gelobet deist du, Jesu Christ – BWV 697
Fughetta : Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn – BWV 698
Fughetta : Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland – BWV 699
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott – BWV 652
Pièce d’orgue in G – BWV 572
Wenn Wir in Höchsten Nöten sein – BWV 641
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr – BWV 676
Fughetta : Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr – BWV 677
Fuga in d – BWV 538/2
Luca Akaeda Santesson is an organist born in 2001 in Milan, Italy. Interested in music from a
young age, he begins his musical journey in 2009 in the organ class of Jean-François Hatton at the
Conservatoire Claude Debussy, Paris. From 2013 to 2019, Luca continues his study at the CRR of
Lyon under Lionel Avot and Yves Lafargues and gets his musical degree in organ in 2018.
In 2019, he is admitted at the CNSMD of Lyon in the organ class of Francois Espinasse and
Liesbeth Schlumberger and obtained his masters degree in 2024, after one exchange year at the
HfMT Hamburg in the classes of Wolfgang Zerer and Pieter van Dijk in 2022/2023. Currently, Luca
studies at the HfMT Hamburg with Pieter van Dijk for his Konzertexamen degree.
Aged 22, Luca has won numerous international distinctions, such as the Grand Prize and the
Public Prize at the Grand Prix d’Orgue Jean Louis Florentz 2022, as well as the Second Prize and
Best Interpretation of Messiaen works Prize at the second edition of the International Olivier
Messiaen Competition. In June 2023, he is appointed young ECHO organist of the year 2024 after
winning the fifteenth edition of the International Schnitger Organ Competition in Alkmaar.
In parallel of his organ studies, he has studied early music with harpsichord (with Noëlle Spieth,
Catherine Latzarus, Yves Rechsteiner) and Clavichord (Illton Wjunisky) for over ten years.
Luca Akaeda Santesson also leans his curiosity towards more creative and new projects, the latest
being his transcriptions of video game music and electronic music for the pipe organ.
Julie Hendrickx ging in gesprek met Luca Akaeda Santesson. Lees het interview hier.